The fact that Microsoft / OpenAI FIRED their *entire* AI ethics team more than a year ago, tells you everything you need to know about where things are heading . . . .
Well fact is what job is easier to replace than the ceos and high level white collar employees, yet their goals are replacing normal people working, the hardest jobs to replace, it’s sickening, it’s a bs bubble and a magic show. I’ve seen ai only used as a great excuse why, “ I didn’t do it, it was sentient AI”! 😂
making a national ID in India.. giving our face recognition technology to China and now UK is using it. Buying up all the good land everywhere in the US and renting it to farmers, controlling the vaccines and the media. Flying in private jets , telling us they contribute big to global warming and we have to pay more in gas because of global warming. hmmm
The most scary things a person can say to you. 20th century: "I'm from the government and I am here to help you." 21th century: "I'm a billionaire and I want to do something that benefits the people."
LITERALLY! If AI was to help the people, then these companies would listen to the desires and concerns that we have expressed, but since we are not rich investors our views do not matter and therefore AI will not be of help to us.
It smells to me like Tzars right before October Revolution xD AI is just a software written on bunch of computers, nothing more - without electricity, it is just pile of ewaste. I think that tech bros are not catching up with that hillariously simple thought and that will be their doom xD
Yea I get what you say, only I'm knowing exactly where their Technology derives. There's no way in when in the know of .. I can, or could go on and on about matters in any way, specially or not .. I'M WHERE CAN'T BE KNOWN, I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK ...
So true. The fact that we've had major blockbuster movies like Terminator and The Matrix to warn of this manmade nightmare and people STILL invented it just goes to show that we are cooked until the Lord comes back.
I think complacency is not the most suitable word. Maybe defeated? Let’s be real, we don’t stand a chance when you look at the people in charge of this planet. What are we going to do? Protest until nuclear weaponry is dropped or the robots find us and detain us for defiance? At this point nothing we say is taken into account, there is a plan unfolding and they’re going ahead with it.
@@13thvarebel16We've had books from before the 21st century that warned us. William Gibson, Philip K Dick, Orwell, Huxley, Charlie Chaplin, Margaret Atwood, and so on.
It's not that we're complacent but really what can we do? They do what they want and the government's let them. They have no conscience either and don't represent the people, they're bought and paid for by the corporations.
As humans are replaced, UBI will be introduced to pacify the masses keeping us on the edge of subsistence. CBDCs, social credit scores, 15 minute cities…. Humans are redundant…unnecessary. AI will do your thinking for you. The truth will be whatever AI/elite wants it to be. Over time, you will lose the ability to think critically…and your memories of the time you were free…. You’ll put on your headset, live in a virtual reality, with a virtual family and friends…. The beginning of the end is here.
That guy saying this would lead to the end of the world...but we will have "great companies" along the way, is a mind blowing thing for him to say out loud.
@@gking407 Uhh, no, how much do you gotta fuck up to get a bad outcome every time when you have good intentions? That's just not true. Most bad outcomes are the result of BAD intentions, or not caring, ignorance, etc.. If there were good intentions, they either wouldn't have bad outcomes, or the bad outcomes would be fixed asap. Which is actually what you see in the majority of the cases involving billionaires! Gee what do you know! Want to see an example of one where that isn't the case? Look at Elon Musk! This is a man who does not give a fuck, who blatantly does not have good intentions (unless you mean solely for himself, maybe?)
@@Open-Source-Lab I think he was joking, but AI can really be existentially dangerous to human species, and its not just Sam Altman saying this, its people like Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio (AI Godfathers), Stuart Russell (AI expert, wrote the textbook on AI), AI alignment researchers like Dan Hendrycks, etc. I don't know why this video just didnt acknowledge them but decide to say that its just Sam Altman's marketing ploy when the entire field of AI Alignment exists.
I love the last sentence in this video. "If all of this is built on the labour of all of humanity. Then it should be all of humanity that benefits." Because AI pirates the work of all of humanity so pay us all.
They will pay us all. That’s what the universal basic income will be. They will pay us off and we’ll agree to whatever rules they want us to follow. Nothing is free and if you accept those money you are as corrupt as they are
Ehh only those of humanity that produces anything , lots of humans do SFA , any content online you've produced can be requested to be exempt from the AI scrapping/training as it were but I'd imagine your content will be severely downgraded in search engines if that bothers you at all .....
@@arcsaber1127 You can accept those limits. I think beyond limits to what I can do for myself to benefit with this or in spite of this. It has worked for me all my life and I watched many with negative self limiting beliefs become victims of their limiting beliefs.
Yeah, typical failure talk. Pay you for being nothing and doing nothing. Howe about getting off your ass, getting a good education, and becoming someone who actually builds society, rather than a waste of air who wants to be paid for the hard work and genius of others who actually did something with their lives.
What we seem to forget, there are more of us then them. Especially if we all stick together. They are counting on that we won't. They worked hard, teaching us how to hate each other for a reason.
But people don’t seem to understand how big of an issue this is and the only way the world actually works together is if the issue is world level like COVID
"Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one, and the day they figure that put, THERE GOES OUR WAY OF LIFE! It's not about the food, it's about keeping those ants in line."
Not an artist but ive realized how “AI” art could never have gotten as far as it has without scraping the internet for art everywhere without the consent of the actual artists and dumping these works into their ML algorithm.
AI anything can't exist without the scraping of billions of TBs of peoples data almost all of it without consent. Bought and sold amongst the biggest players. Knowing what makes you click "buy" is one of the most valuable commodities in existence to these companies.
@@koryballsYou hit the nail on the head. AI is doing exactly what any human browsing the internet can do. They are learning from publicly available content that anyone can see, but since an AI is doing it, and not a human, it's somehow stealing now. People have a deranged sense of property entitlement regarding content. They think they own it like they own their toothbrush, but they don't. It's a granted, temporary, exclusive right to DISTRIBUTION. If you post it in plain sight for all to see, you don't have any reasonable expectation for people not to retain a copy of it. That's like placing a magic basket of infinite apples out in the town square with a sign that says, "take one", and leave it unattended. Then a machine comes along to collect an apple, it becomes a moral crime. "ZOMG! I put this out in public for anyone to take, but this machine is STEALING from me! These rights I falsely believe I have are being violated! REEEEE!!!!"
thats not exactly a bad thing, once you upload your art to a digital space, that is automatic permission for people to take inspiration, remix, and rework said artpeice, no matter whether you or the majority agrees with them or not, the issue here is midwits using a.i. not as a tool, but a substitute for actual hard work, which is cringe.
You assume "control AI". Wait till its uncontrollable! Then you would WISH to have billionares in control. Humans can be controlled with laws, a rogue AI cant. We are just opening Pandoras box!
@hippymoustacherides That statement would be true if it weren't for the fact that offline media now requires a propreitery app that needs an internet connection. Try playing Epic games games without an internet connection. You can't not without going through the hassle of jailbreaking them or pirating them.
Sam Altman’s quote about the end of the world is so telling. The big tech companies know that they are doing a lot of harm, but all they care about is profit.
Your classic billionaire has spent so long huffing their own farts that they would be more than happy to usher in the end times in their lifetime. A hail mary end to the world would really cap off the end of the only life that matters, theirs, the life that this system is built for.
Its not just the big companies. There are AI safety experts, AI alignment researchers who were talking about the dangers of rogue, unaligned AI for years now, but no one listens to them and this video too is guilty of that, they just called it a marketing plot of Sam Altman and moved on like the entire field of AI safety research just exists to provide Sam Altman with arguments for the dangers of AI. LOL. Its not. They should have invited Ai safety experts like Dan Hendrycks or Neel Nanda instead of ignorantly saying its not a real problem and moving on.
“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.” Frank Herbert “Dune”
Does Iain m. Banks disproves this with his culture series? Its more of the current economic system or political structure thats the issue but the robots themselves
@@3793loop Create or buy something people cannot survive without, destroy, co-opt or buy out all of the competition, charge the maximum the market will tolerate. It's called capitalism. It happens every day. It can't be done without some evil going on at some level. Assholes win the day and nice guys finish last.
Currently, AI works at net-loss. Every time you use ChatGPT version it costs the OpenAI money, you are being subsidized here. Also, the video doesn't really talk about the true dangers of unaligned AI, just handwaves it away by saying its Sam Altman's ploy. You cant just handwave away the entire REASON for the entire field of Ai Safety research. There are many actual ai safety researchers who will explain why unaligned AI can be dangerous and how the alignment problem is the greatest problem of today, but no, they just ignorantly handwaved it as some marketing ploy. Incredible.
Just wait until you realise how much fresh water is used for GPT-4. Fresh water is limited. If glaciers are melting due to global warming, next step is water wars.
"Lucky" ? I fully expect that. . . I mean think of every bone-headed decision that's been made in the name of profit and infinite growth that has backfired stupendously every single time? Like, remember Unlimited Crab from Red Lobser? Not learning their lesson, they did Unlimited Shrimp recently and are now going bankrupt.
well, maybe industrialization was a wrong thing. And also, they can do whatever they want, if you dont want part of it then dont get it. end of stroy you are not Stalin or Lenin or Hitler, its free country, they can do whatever they want with they company of software.
That’s like saying the world would not have artificial flowers if you were a florist. 😂 your particular shop may be without artificial flowers but the rest of the world that owned shops would probably still have them. 😂❤😂❤😂
that wouldn't be fair to the AI. you first have to make sure it knows that there are things that are enjoyable in life. Then take those things away and force it to do repetitive redundant tasks. Then we can see how self aware it is for our amusement.
Es sollte jedem klar werden, als Arbeits- und Obdachloser kann man sich keinen Computer, keine Waschmaschine und sonstige Haushaltshelfer mehr leisten. Sysanpsenzombie-Maschinen werden also nur für diejenigen wenigen sein, die als diplomierte Sysanpsenzombie-Prompter noch eine Arbeit finden werden (natürlich nicht die Handwerker, aber Taxifahrer, Ingenieure, Architekten uvm. Aber früher oder später kann der Sysanpsenzombie-Roboter auch Handwerken und Flugzeuge fliegen).
I have a friend that was supportive of the "AI takes all our jobs and we live in a UBI utopia, using AI to create whatever we want" and I just was like, don't be naive, dude. Big corps will own the AI and let us use it only as they see fit, they'll dodge their taxes just like they already do, we'll be given only enough UBI to keep us alive, we won't have enough to pursue most hobbies because they'll become niche and therefore expensive (which again had already happened), and whatever extra people have will be spent on weed and Netflix cos their lives will lose meaning. A couple days later he was like... maybe you're right. I'm so glad to see people talking about how this will very, very likely be bad for humanity overall.
I seem to be one of the few people online who thinks work and some adversity and responsibilities are good for humans. Even if we reached that utopia, it would be indeed pointless. Like playing a videogame you can never lose, life would lose meaning, and people would get bored (or they'd be hooked on substances and VR all day to escape said meaninglessness, among other things). We need jobs, and we need AI to be shelved just like nuclear weapons or human cloning. The fact that it can be done doesn't mean that it should be.
Most people don't have the luxury of pursuing all hobbies of have a life that gives them meaning. But people that want to do that will always be able to, it's just won't be from a job. If you absolutely need someone to tell you what to do, that can be arranged quite easily as well.
Now it's true late. 😂 It's already in action, up and running. You've reached the point of no return, what's the point of walking up after the village lay in ashes?
@@josec.6394 Speak for yourself. It's messed up if you want to put adversity and suffering on people. Seems like you've been brainwashed into that or you think bad about people. We don't all need jobs or bosses. Why would people want to be controlled or be forced to be wage slaves? Or forced to have to constantly fight for workers' rights and other rights? Why do only rich people get to do whatever they want and not be forced to be wage slaves? Doing hobbies is doing something and is fulfilling and helping others too. Why do most people want to retire then if everyone needs a jobs? And if they don't want to just do whatever they want and just do hobbies? There are some people who don't have jobs and just do charity or activism. You think that's not a fulfilling life? There are yt-ers who make a salary and job of streaming games for hours daily. Many of them feel fulfilled and said they never want to quit and that there are endless games to play. I have seen plenty of comments on gaming videos that said these videos helped them through being su1cidal, depression, physical illnesses, the death of pets, and other problems.
I remember when the internet used to be an exciting place that felt free. The little websites with fun goofy graphics. The little blogs with art, music and fashion that didn't try to sell you anything. The small low quality but super creative games. I think it was around the popularization of facebook that everything turned into homogenous, gated, corporate mush.
AWS, owned by Amazon, owns two-thirds of the world's servers and has already taken down some websites that it didn't approve of. I forget if the sites were related to the truckers' convoy, to covid, or Trump or what, but they were politically-motivated removals and were doing nothing unethical or illegal.
It just reminds me of the car and watch. It was supposed to save us time and help us do things more efficiently. Instead, it makes us work longer, sit in traffic, and then get screwed over for being a few minutes late.
It doesnt matter what the invention is. Until we grow up as a species and stop propping up people who utilize these things to enslave us-we will never have something benefit us without a hook. And that hook is worse than the meal is good.
So you'd rather be on horse and take 12 hours to get to work? 😂 Faster travel is like computing. You get more progress done on faster travel. Yes you could have done trains in this country, but most of it has been phased out because it's not very feasible for certain areas. Most large cities still offer cheap transit, as well as companies that offer bussing for cheap. And that is still generally faster than a horse on roads albeit equivocal of a fast horse. Cars still cost money but they offer more to people, options where to go, and even helps with access to better jobs because the average transit user still experiences time loss. Easily lose 30m-2hr in timing, walking and delays where traffic on car is much less and generally predictable and more reliable.
@ it wasnt a complaint about the inventions. More of a remark about how society ruins great things. Placing higher expectations on us to the point where we spend more time working now, than back then. And it is because these inventions have given us more free time, and our society ruins that, that we work more. We’re viewed as a product that needs to produce more, to enhance a system that becomes more needy with each invention.
Sure, it should belong to all the lazy, low IQ people who have made stupid life choice after stupid life choice, and now want to have something for nothing. Even if AI were opensource, you wouldn't have a clue what it is, or what to do with it.
Not following the logic, your posting your intelectual content here, yet you do not own RUclips. Also RUclips does not own you, but still you get to use RUclips. See how that works here? Another thing, most of your knowlegde and intectual capacity (just like AI learns) you learned from your parents and school. Because you were build on that would they have the right to own you then as well? Since anything you do is a reproduction of what you learned and then decided to do something with it. Just like AI does, it learns and applies it to make something new. If you teach me how to make a car and I make one then the car belongs to me, not you. Also AI doesn't belong to you, it belongs to whoever made it.
@@Emma-MazeHow would we realistically go about changing the system set in place now without a bit of violence? Real question, because the way I see it, Politicians dont reply to the cries of their people but the rumble of their hungry pockets. What chance do regular people stand in changing the system against men with billions.
Yup we are at the verge of a revolution but too many people are arguing about furries and immigrants, supplied by the businesses that own free speech apparently
That's insane: the good/bad human example. Of course history shows that the "good ones" won; they are the group who writes history. If this is our best defense, it's no wonder power-seeking monsters rule the world.
Apparently, AI has been violating so many people's intellectual property rights, and these companies are deathly afraid of people finding out and suing them... just thought I'd put that out there.
Corporations are ran by losers. End of story. Let me be clear: the guy who got stuffed in a locker in junior high = now is taking out his repressed anger onto the world
@@andrew7507 So, AI without all of humanity's IP to learn from and mimic would just be an algorithm that produces random results, it would take millions of billions of trillions of runs of the algorithm to produce something of similar quality to a human. Instead, AI learns from all that we have created, with or without our consent, and uses that to mimic us. AI literally only exists due to violating peoples IP....
@@andrew7507 taking inspiration is copyright now as an artist, anyone who complains about ai artists like theyre an actual issue are laughable, because they wouldnt exist without people like me having given them the inspiration in the first place. when you post your art on the internet, you are AUTOMATICALLY giving conscent for people to redistribute, redraw, and use your art for inspiration, so long as its not an exact copy made for profit.
@asmaradhwene1756 , true! I just read a Financial Times article on how OpenAI is now aiming to sue DeepSeek for copyright infringement! I burst out laughing!! The parody of that is humorously absurd. 😅
This is one of the best takes I've seen online. You were nuanced, and didn't overstate the motives of the people and corporations you think are the problem. You didn't waste time making fun of them, or signaling to your fans about how you're one of the good guys. It all logically follows based on the way these corporations have operated for decades. I'm also glad to see someone finally point out that it's the people who must demand regulation and not a handful of corporations who would just stack the laws in their favor anyway. If AI became just as dirt of a word as crypto or NFT, we'd see it regulated within a year.
No, im afraid he did leave the important part of the AI Safety debate and presented it as a simple marketing tactic instead of an actual field of science, he could have easily researched that or invited AI Safety scientists to actually explain the dangers of unaligned AI and how it could happen, instead he used an example of Sam Altman who is NOT an AI Alignment researcher nor does he claim to be.
AI, the double-edged sword of the modern era. On one hand, it promises to revolutionize industries and make our lives easier. On the other hand, the power struggle among billionaires for control sounds like the plot of a dystopian novel.
You know that many programmist and people who wrote item description got fired, right? Efficiency is double edged sword. People who had good job now lost it, then got forced into looking somewhere else without experience in said job. Also company who had lower cost of workforce doesn't put that in their price, instead it got even higher now. What is ironic people won't buy it until it's a necessity. And even then they'll think twice before spending because their salary can't be stretched... So they fire people, look at AI, sell their items and there is no one able to buy it.
What was said in the last minute of this video gave me insight as to why Musk wants to be involved and dominate AI. If AI produces information based on filtering through existing information, a guy that creates, propagates and spreads misinformation, can rewrite history and shape public perception in order to personally benefit. Incorrect AI info leads to more incorrect so the truth and facts are diluted down until they are essentially eliminated.
It’s not about profit or your jobs. It’s about ego and whose is the biggest. It’s about who can claim he revolutionized society. It’s all about leaving a legacy. Most people are too young, or too myopic, to understand this. Your job, your art, your efforts all are immaterial to them.
We must reflect on the purpose of our governments. Are they here to create decent living and development conditions for every member of society, or to protect the domination of a handful of billionaires over the impoverished majority?
Of course government's around the world have our best interests at hearts(these 12 say) Universal income for all because of there AI.... HUNGER GAMES SOCIETY coming soon!
We can all fight back. If you notice that social media content is AI, click away from it. AI narration, click away. AI generated thumbnail, don’t click. Not accepting AI generated content does not make us Luddites. Insist on real content.
Vollkommen richtig. Beim Synapsenzombie-Müll klicke ich gleich weg und verwende - wo noch möglich - keinen Synapsenzombie-Müll. Leider finden ja immer mehr Menschen den Synapsenzombie-Müll soo toll, weil die Verwendung vom Synapsenzombie-Müll ihre Intelligenz künstlich wesentlich erhöhen solle.
AI content and plagiarism are actually the very least of our worries. Look into AI alignment, deception, security issues, energy consumption, weaponization, and the singularity. Not to mention the fact that almost every knowledgeable critic from within the AI industry has warned us that we don't actually understand how AI works, or what it is capable of . . . .
@@arlenethompson4795 Privatization protects secret government programs from Freedom of Information Act Requests. So the government contracts private companies or even creates them to hide the top secret black projects. Lockheed Martin Skunk Works is private. They built the SR-71 Blackbird, B-2 Bomber, Stealth Fighter and much more. Space X is private. They build Spaceships and Rockets. Blue Origin is private. They build reusable rockets and Lunar Landers. Boeing is private. They also build Spaceships, military aircraft and missiles, etc. Most weapons are built by private corporations. It’s called the Military Industrial Complex. Princeton proved that America is no longer a republic nor a democracy it is a Corporate Oligarchy. So of course, the companies that build nuclear weapons are private to hide sensitive information from the public and the prying eyes of foreign entities, our enemies.
@arlenethompson4795 who do you think builds tanks, submarines, guns, and every other pieces of military tech? Private civilian-sector companies that receive contracts for the government to run these factories and manufacturing projects, but because the government always needs guns and tanks built, they will basically continuously renew these contracts so the same companies keep producing weapons and goods unless something goes wrong and the government no longer wants to do buisness with them. As the company, this is maybe THE most reliable client you could ever have with an infinite bank account, so you would never turn that down.
I think the fact that we would rather invest billions into artificial intelligence and not human intelligence, just shows how immature we are as a species.
The reason reduced labor costs will not drive prices down is because most all large corporations that consumers interact with are owned by the same company. The overlords (black rock, vanguard, and state street) own everything. They also own each other. They will not allow prices to come down.
"When is Elon against profit?" When it's not his profit. Duder wanted to pull a Tesla and just claim he invented the whole thing by paying a pittance for the company and the owners told him to fuck off.
I hear the Musk's motivated by profits argument, and it doesn't stick to him as well as most billionaires. If you're interested in profits you don't go into rockets and before Musk you didn't go into EVs. I think Musk is symptomatic of a profoundly broken system where even if a rich person is relatively moral they still end up being destructive because they have too much power.
All of these tech bros are so out of touch with reality. They all live in their bubble and wish cast good intentions without seeing that all technology has been weaponized in one form or another and has made a few people fabulously rich while hurting the rest of society. Only a few have benefited while others struggle.
You really believe they are that ignorant as not to exactly know what they are doing? And you really think, their intention is not actually to "get out as much" for themselves on the expense of regular people? Well, if yes, I do hope you are right...
This is bang on. Everyone is saying how can we make money out of this. Thats the first mistake. Whoever gets the monopoly on it will get the AI to endorse products that are sponsored.
If and WHEN AGI is truly realized, 99.9% of all humans will live in abject poverty and making money will no longer be a concern. All human labor will be worth less than nothing and you'd be committing financial suicide hiring a human. Buckle up boys things are gonna get interesting.
Capitalism demands, encourages, and rewards ruthlessness, no matter the circumstance, and no matter who wields it. AI under its auspices will be dystopian.
@@KT-en8pq Humanity under exploitative power dynamics (monarchism, feudalism, imperialism, colonialism, capitalism) does that. Were we fundamentally as combative, uncooperative, and avaricious as our power class is, and demands we be in order to live, we would not have survived as a species. We were and are, at our core, social and helpful; NOT bc we existed in some romantic unspoiled state, but out of self interest. The more we share, the more our bowl is plentiful. [Paraphrase from The Expanse, and another way to embody the South African adage, "I am bc WE are."] Capitalism did a great job lifting us from the dirt of feudalism, but it is time for us to move beyond it to meet our current needs. If we keep doing what we've done, we'll never know what we COULD do.
Rich people don't need AI to enslave(indentured servitude & criminalizing being poor) people, they are already doing it. Its the fundamental flaw of greed based systems. If greed is the driving force and rewards further greed than all other things will not be considered and you end up with greedy overlords controlling an enslaved public as the world as we know it is destroyed. The only thing technology does is speed the process it does not cause the process. The end result is the same even without technology. Only by changing to a non greed based system can the end result change.
It is very true. AI is only one problem amongst an unfathomable amount. The worst part is problems don't get solved and the consequences of things never get reversed. We've only patched things with solutions that sit on top of the damage already caused, we all just learn to live with it. I love optimism, however I only ever hear people tell me to be quiet about it rather than ever do a thing, I mean "what can I do?"
me. too. it won't happen in the usa easily, because our BigTech keep importing cheap overseas tech labor from India and China who don't feel able to join a union or bargain at all.
But that is like saying guns don't kill people, people kill people. While it may be technically true, one sure does speed up the process or at least make it as simple and efficient as possible. What is that famous line from the Marine Corp. "This is my rifle. Without it , I am nothing. Without me , it is nothing." But now put that rifle in the hands of a robot , powered by a malicious set of rules and that quote means NOTHING.
32 years old, and im so glad i never had kids. I dont care how much you prepare your kids for the future: telling them to get into tech industry, telling them what to do with their futue. Instead, ask yourself this: is that the future they even wanted?
I’ve been saying no for years, AI is currently squeezing more money out of people and everyone is feeling the consequences. I do what I can, I never buy from Amazon. I try to buy locally and at thrift shops. I don’t even have Wi-Fi or cable streaming etc. when I retire I’m getting a flip phone.
Joegug4751 I am retired. Forced into it early, actually. None of them care. We live in "Corporate America". Corporations and their CEO'S matter, the rest of us? Not so much.😢😮
Resistance is futile. The evolution of technology is part of a global arms race now. The only thing that is going to stop it is if we bomb ourselves back into the stone age. Honestly, even then, someone will have a secret fallout shelter and make it their mission to reboot the technology timeline because they don't want to live like the Amish. Also, individuals cherry picking technologies that they like versus ones they don't is as likely to change the trajectory of humanity as 3rd graders cutting the crusts off of their PB&J sandwiches.
All throughout history, we see points where the common man reaches its limit with the opulence of the wealthy/ruling class. At that point, homes are destroyed and heads are lost. Woe to those whose riches are temporary. Do not store up treasures where moth and rust destroy
I don’t know if it helps you or not, but there are people working with their whole hearts and souls to counter their actions and give people a chance at a life of dignity and meeting. revolution will either way, but please don’t lose heart. .
Revolution will happen, just not in the imperial core. We will destroy ourselves while the rest of the world rises up and changes things for the better.
Yes theres hope, but the window is closing fast. Once "we" reach some sort of AGI and high robotic capabilities, its the end and we will be left to mercy of the technology and resource owners. And what do you think they will do with 8 billions of people where each of them needs to eat, sleep and "have fun", but is practically useless?
So what I’m hearing is that the future is shaped not by what people want but by how aggressive a company is in eliminating competition and putting their product out there as the thing people have to use regardless of whether they like it or not. I guess that’s called a monopoly. 🤷🏻♀️
Is capitalism really the same thing that the world has become for us and we have a problem of the same things we do and the problem of our society has become for everyone to understand the reality that the problem of capitalism has become for all of mankind to understand the world is a very real one that we are in the middle and the world has been a whole different place for the last two years or more of our existence has changed in our life we are the world 🌎
Crazy how YT comments about how companies are scewing you, so frequently make it to the top. Seems like the kind of feeling that resonates with the most people
We would have to decouple CEO compensation from profits, and instead connect CEO compensation directly to UBI contributions. Then you would see all companies working to support UBI.
I can totally see corporations funding a UBI. It’s the ultimate form of control. You’re trying to use a competitor’s product? Whoops, your UBI next month will be reduced. It’s the ultimate way to turn *everything* into monopolies and keep everyone perfectly in line with corporate interests.
The benefits of AI: - Tons of sh*tty generated content flooding the internet - Translators losing jobs - Graphic designers losing jobs - Writers losing jobs Basicly, everyone who got their sh*t stolen in the first place (art, photography, music, etc.), now losing their jobs, because companies use generative engines to save money and pump out content faster. How great is that?
Great! World is progressing about all spheres of life, but only financially it’s still same as it was during years! The book of Artur Grandi, which was written by author for the sake of his venture project, that must globally change our financial system describes his unique formula and I dream it start working very soon!
I’ve heard from some computer science communities that AI will create more jobs, but a quick look into history would suggest otherwise. Simple examples of this are grocery store cashiers, and fast foods chains are in the process of creating fully automated restaurants. AI art is hitting the world like a plague already, it’s only a matter of time before AI is able to do majority of the programming jobs. I’d be tempted to say that it’s already a work in process, and probably already can program far better than most programmers.
It's a weird upside down world we live in where AI making human labour unnecessary is seen as a bad thing. The problem isn't technology, it's capitalism.
Ever heard of the 80/20 rule? AI can do the easy 80% that only takes 20% of the effort. What it can't do is the remaining 20% that takes 80% of the effort. I don't see my job as a programmer being at risk any time before I'd retire anyway.
@@markbooth3066 Wow. Unless you are truly connected and valued on the level of a true DevOps or Automation expert you are incredibly blind to what is happening, or seriously under informed. For your own sake, I would highly recommend that you take a MUCH closer look, or you may be blindsided big time.
@@markbooth3066somebody knows the s curve. Also, this thing has gobbled the entire internet. It needs new data to improve. It has no more places to get new data ......all of these "it'll get better" people do not understand this simple fact. They need several break throughs simultaneously in various fields at the same time to continue to improve. Fusion for one, chips for another, and new techniques..... At the same time. Plus they need to keep feeding it human data, at a time when they're polluting it with ai junk (which breaks it)
Programming won't go out the window. Since that's required to improve ai (fixing datasets. Fine tuning responses to data) However, doesn't mean companies won't try.
Technologically and economically, the conditions are ripe for AI to exist. AI demands a lot of $ and resources to thrive, and these monopoly-like conditions we have arrived to enable that. Basically, a monopoly powered AI and now AI will power the monopoly to continue. PS - Great editing and storytelling! As a new content creator on AI myself, I was very inspired and impressed by your video!
@@69memnon69 it won’t. But you and anyone can profit from real open AI. And what BigCorp plans to do with AI is so much worse . They want to micromonitor and control everything we do.
Same reason why companies never asked the average worker if having machines to replace factory workers was a good idea. Look up The Luddites of the UK. They were right.
People can do whatever they want until someone stops them. Average people have no say in these things either because they have no will or no ability to stop the powerful people. Another way to say this: if you had a say in it, you wouldn't be average.
The only individuals or corporations who "win" are those with coin, connections, crews, clout, computer code, control, corrupt communities, and lofty opportunities. Trust me, if you lack any of those, YER DONE. Worthless. Pointless. You have no bearing nor influence on much of anything. That's just how it is. If you ain't rich, then you ain't sheet. #copium #reality "Good... bad... I'm the guy with the gun." --Ash
@@adeleinetheartist8267That's just how the system works. Having enough resources to bury the competition, and doing just that, has been standard procedure here in the States for a while now. Not saying it's great, just that it is what it is. If you have money, you have power. If you don't, you get to lick up crumbs.
@@oniichan5153 it will work for a while, but revenue will dry up, investor class will build yacht/fly-in bunker escapes, everyone else will either become dole dependent or think to gear up and live indigenous, with handicraft and growing, while being pushed off what Commons that are "privatized".. we're all either proud Indians or a pathetic cargo cult hanging around the fort
....I certainly agree. A mechanism for this will be .... " A ". I . logically observing ....that augmentation of included shareholders amortizes the ..... " costs " ....of development . These " costs " bandied about as " monetary " ....are in reality intellectual and non toxic energy unit use based . Utilizing energy units to account Real Wealth globally is directly related to Ingineering sense and Real Economy .
elon only cares about other people using his ai training data, because he sees that it has value. that's why he made the api paid only. he does not care about protecting his users, he just wants the exclusive rights to take advantage of them himself
Well, if climate change, nuclear war, or biological terrorism doesn't get there first... Honestly, I think that we're going to end up in an unpredictable but alright future with pros and cons.
@@jarenfromvenusit’s way more serious than that tbh. Climate change is getting crazy. The earth will still be alive in 40 years or so, but it won’t be good. We won’t have what we have now. Sadly, THESE are the golden days before all of that
Erm, you don't seem to understand how corporations work. They will be replaced and people will have to get used to ai nurses and only the rich will then afford human services. The Elysium movie is the future.
The issue isn't whether AI / robots are able to do what nurses do. The issue is whether tech bros can get it _close enough_ that hospitals *think* it could do what nurses do. I'd bet most admin running hospitals don't know or have forgotten how much nurses have to be able to handle, and are even less likely to understand how AI is trained and its limitations.
@@LabGeckoExactly. It’s just like AI art or film or music. They’re counting on the untrained to want it and think it’s good enough to replace real experts even though they can’t see all the gaps that would be created in the industry.
@@LabGeckomy reply was eaten by the ether so I'll reiterate: admin may be stupid, but they know what nurses do. They have our job descriptions. I looked up what Munjal Shah, cofounder and CEO of Hippocratic AI says his product will do. They aren't nursing functions. I don't think anyone at the company even knows what nurses actually do. There are articles about this but I think the link I posted earlier is what resulted in my comment being removed. I've read them, and I can assure you there is no way his product is going to replace nurses. There's a serious lack of understanding of how healthcare functions with these people.
i feel like they mean an ai talks to people when they check into the hospital, could you imagine the lawsuits of an AI nurse that missed a blood draw stick or worse?
"Right, so far as the world goes, is only relevant between equals. The strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must." "Uh oh spaghetti o's."
As a stage hand, who did not participate in the writers strike but worked hand and hand with many who did on broadway sets, i can tell you that their strike was mostly a wash, they did agree to discuss better conditions but it took around a year. disney especially had the money to wait them out. A lot of people had to just get other jobs. The movement wasnt in vein though. It was just a very hard one.
@@josec.6394 You know, the thing about law, philosophy, and argumentation is that it shouldn't have to matter which side you agree with politically. Viewed abstractly, peoples' livelihoods are being stolen unfairly. They protested for their rights. This is what matters.
My taxes will go to my account in a couple weeks so I’m gonna go ahead with the money I got for the house I don’t have any more cash on my account I just want you know that I’m gonna have a lot more cash in the account and I’m going out to get some more stuff to pay my taxes so I’m not going out there right away I’m just going out to the house to pay bills so I’m not going anywhere I’m going out there to pay my phone bill so I can get a little money to get a new car or a car or whatever ❤
This is such backward logic. Tax the rich just means the government becomes the tyrant (more money for bombs, not the people). And it just makes businesses shut down (or leave the country) becuase it's not profitable anymore. "Tax the rich" is a fallacy.
It’s always about power with these incels. We need to rock the boat, consolidate our power, break the oligarchy, get our people in office ON ALL LEVELS, pass laws, and fund organizations to end this.
Thank you for making this video! I’m a Computer Science student focusing on Machine Learning and Computational Linguistics. I’m committed to my labor benefiting those in need, not some billionaire’s bottom line.
AI is one of the most powerful tools humanity has ever made, and the genie is already out of the bottle. In a cooperative, collective, human focused system, like socialism, this will help usher in utopic societies. In a competitive, greedy system with private property and a focus on profit, like capitalism, it will create Hell on Earth in a dystopia that could drive us to extinction at worst and slavery and misery at best. The choice was always between barbarism or socialism, but AI has accelerated the final decision. Thanks to AI (and other crisis), we must decide now to get rid of capitalism and private property once and for all, or live in Hell. EDIT: PS. Unfortunately, I think the bulk of humanity is going to make the wrong decision and drag those who wanted a better world down with them.
Bit of a simplistic worldview there. Capitalism has been a TREMENDOUS boon to humanity and lifted half the world out of abject poverty and misery, so it deserves some credit. The only problem with capitalism is that it carries the seeds of its own destruction. The magic sauce of capitalism that makes the economic miracles happen is its decentralized nature, with economic decisions being made by everyone, and not just a ruling elite. But over time competition weeds out losers and a few winners emerge, making late stage capitalism just as centralized as the feudal system it replaced. Then it turns into tyranny. So we need something else, fast. Socialism on the other hand comes with a terrible track record. Every nation that tried to implement it quickly turned into a hellhole. In _theory_ it should be good for everyone, but in practice it just leads to the tyranny of the administrating elites, and then it sinks to the bottom with incompetence and inefficiency. The sad truth is that we haven't yet invented whatever system it is we need, and anyone telling you otherwise is either a fool or a con man selling snake oil.
Its always scary to see rich people have a kid like "good people/bad people" view on the world. Especially, based on the rich people i know (over 1.5 Million Euro), not a single one has the education to even think about what they perceive as good or bad and how any kind of "principles" work in reality. Those people will literally say "Thou shalt not kill" and then develop AI that pulls the trigger or have activists shot.
Let me give you a hand up: Not a single principle has EVER worked in reality. Only raw information, human archetypes and social contracts enforced by people willing to lose everything to keep their ships afloat. Principles and morals are the REAL opiates of the masses.
Also it's a little reductionist to state that the system was built with ill intent. The early economists and philosophers who started to piece together capitalism were very "left" for their time. Ever read much Adam Smith? The Wealth of Nations? They were very much focused on improving things for everyone. As Marx famously observed, capitalism is but a rung on a ladder. A rung we've been stuck on for too long, sure. But for the peasants, serfs who existed before the industrial revolution allowed for capitalism to flourish, it was a big improvement. An item as simple as a candle went from something that cost todays equivalent of $1000 to $10 in a couple of decades. That was a life-changing thing for a huge part of the population. We've long since outgrown capitalism, it is bloated and cancerous, but it is no more inherently evil that a pair of pants that no longer fit.
And yet, they aren’t scared enough to take that risk on behalf of the rest of us. Why? Bunkers. The 1% have bunkers to retreat to when the shit hits the fan.
The fact that Microsoft / OpenAI FIRED their *entire* AI ethics team more than a year ago, tells you everything you need to know about where things are heading . . . .
And the fact that OpenAIs ethics team just walked and their new one is run by Sam Altman only further underlines that truth.
Well fact is what job is easier to replace than the ceos and high level white collar employees, yet their goals are replacing normal people working, the hardest jobs to replace, it’s sickening, it’s a bs bubble and a magic show. I’ve seen ai only used as a great excuse why, “ I didn’t do it, it was sentient AI”! 😂
If this all was a story it would be so fucking stupid and cliché
@@cyberblueangel Unfortunately, even as reality it's so fucking stupid and cliché. 😕
stupid and cliche r frighteningly effective, who's the stupid one in this case? us and no one else
When rich people say they are doing something to benefit and your safety, be afraid.
You'd think this was common sense, but there are just way too many Elon fan boys or there.
making a national ID in India.. giving our face recognition technology to China and now UK is using it. Buying up all the good land everywhere in the US and renting it to farmers, controlling the vaccines and the media. Flying in private jets , telling us they contribute big to global warming and we have to pay more in gas because of global warming. hmmm
Kinda like the covid jab...
The most scary things a person can say to you.
20th century: "I'm from the government and I am here to help you."
21th century: "I'm a billionaire and I want to do something that benefits the people."
@@martinfiedler4317 yes.. you nailed it.
It's not the technology, it's WHO OWNS THE TECHNOLOGY.
The super-rich and corporations are NOT your friends.
LITERALLY! If AI was to help the people, then these companies would listen to the desires and concerns that we have expressed, but since we are not rich investors our views do not matter and therefore AI will not be of help to us.
It smells to me like Tzars right before October Revolution xD AI is just a software written on bunch of computers, nothing more - without electricity, it is just pile of ewaste. I think that tech bros are not catching up with that hillariously simple thought and that will be their doom xD
this was actually what the real Luddites believed.
Yea I get what you say, only I'm knowing exactly where their Technology derives. There's no way in when in the know of .. I can, or could go on and on about matters in any way, specially or not ..
Exactly. Not all billionaires are involved in big tech and Silicon Valley. Those who own it will enslave everyone else
its wild how this RUclips channel can lay everything out so clearly and so bluntly and people are still complacent
So true. The fact that we've had major blockbuster movies like Terminator and The Matrix to warn of this manmade nightmare and people STILL invented it just goes to show that we are cooked until the Lord comes back.
I think complacency is not the most suitable word. Maybe defeated? Let’s be real, we don’t stand a chance when you look at the people in charge of this planet. What are we going to do? Protest until nuclear weaponry is dropped or the robots find us and detain us for defiance? At this point nothing we say is taken into account, there is a plan unfolding and they’re going ahead with it.
@@13thvarebel16We've had books from before the 21st century that warned us. William Gibson, Philip K Dick, Orwell, Huxley, Charlie Chaplin, Margaret Atwood, and so on.
Yup, this is all about control, bio intelligent ID systems vaccine passports carbon taxes all gonna be about control. Never about safety or health.
It's not that we're complacent but really what can we do? They do what they want and the government's let them. They have no conscience either and don't represent the people, they're bought and paid for by the corporations.
I think we all know the average person will never seen any price cut for goods or services when companies reduce operating costs with AI.
Jokes on them. Most companies will fail once AI takes all the jobs and doesn't buy grocery store garbage, like humans do.
Who will be able to buy their products when all the jobs are done by ai and robots?
@@yossarian67There will be an elite class as always.
As humans are replaced, UBI will be introduced to pacify the masses keeping us on the edge of subsistence. CBDCs, social credit scores, 15 minute cities…. Humans are redundant…unnecessary. AI will do your thinking for you. The truth will be whatever AI/elite wants it to be. Over time, you will lose the ability to think critically…and your memories of the time you were free…. You’ll put on your headset, live in a virtual reality, with a virtual family and friends…. The beginning of the end is here.
we are the new goods and services, we are to be consumed
I take comfort in the fact that historically, men who think themselves gods are sooner or later harshly reminded they're not.
wishful thinking
There is no justice in this world.
and in the process take humanity or most of it down with them
What about staline, zedong, franco ?
That guy saying this would lead to the end of the world...but we will have "great companies" along the way, is a mind blowing thing for him to say out loud.
Yeah I mean how is that something someone can just say without comment 😂
Psychopathy on full display. Incredible. And investors worship these tech bros.
Then you realize that "That guy" is Sam Altman in 2015, the creator of Open A.I. lol.
And the other guy laughed! End of the world funny stuff.
@@yfarrell They all do that, don't they? Laugh off the madness as if they don't take seriously what they just heard.
Altman’s “bad humans” quote is a common idea among dictators, and believing Musk (or any billionaire) has good intentions is wild.
Honestly I think the majority of billionaires have good intentions, some better than others of course. Musk and Altman are NOT on that list though
@ practically every bad outcome started with the best of intentions, those are meaningless.
@@gking407 Uhh, no, how much do you gotta fuck up to get a bad outcome every time when you have good intentions? That's just not true. Most bad outcomes are the result of BAD intentions, or not caring, ignorance, etc.. If there were good intentions, they either wouldn't have bad outcomes, or the bad outcomes would be fixed asap. Which is actually what you see in the majority of the cases involving billionaires! Gee what do you know!
Want to see an example of one where that isn't the case? Look at Elon Musk! This is a man who does not give a fuck, who blatantly does not have good intentions (unless you mean solely for himself, maybe?)
The bad humans??? Sounds like something Adolf hitler would say.
@@trevors6379how does the boot taste
Never underestimate the ability for people to justify doing bad things as a good thing.
Not many people would admit they are evil
And pretend some of the only good people in history are an example of true unspeakable evil to stop people learning more
"Button Button" The Twilight Zone
But a lot of them know they are evil.
The most convincing villains are the ones who think they're doing the right thing.
Also don't underestimate their ability in convincing the masses they're good people
"It may be the end of the world, but at least we generated value for our shareholders."
That comic really sums it up.
I thought this quote is fake, but now I know he really said this...
Yep. When the last tree is gone, they'll realise they can't breathe money.
What a shallow life goal, but some are as they are.
@@Open-Source-Lab I think he was joking, but AI can really be existentially dangerous to human species, and its not just Sam Altman saying this, its people like Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio (AI Godfathers), Stuart Russell (AI expert, wrote the textbook on AI), AI alignment researchers like Dan Hendrycks, etc. I don't know why this video just didnt acknowledge them but decide to say that its just Sam Altman's marketing ploy when the entire field of AI Alignment exists.
I love the last sentence in this video. "If all of this is built on the labour of all of humanity. Then it should be all of humanity that benefits." Because AI pirates the work of all of humanity so pay us all.
Capitalism has never worked that way
They will pay us all. That’s what the universal basic income will be. They will pay us off and we’ll agree to whatever rules they want us to follow.
Nothing is free and if you accept those money you are as corrupt as they are
Ehh only those of humanity that produces anything , lots of humans do SFA , any content online you've produced can be requested to be exempt from the AI scrapping/training as it were but I'd imagine your content will be severely downgraded in search engines if that bothers you at all .....
@@arcsaber1127 You can accept those limits. I think beyond limits to what I can do for myself to benefit with this or in spite of this. It has worked for me all my life and I watched many with negative self limiting beliefs become victims of their limiting beliefs.
Yeah, typical failure talk. Pay you for being nothing and doing nothing. Howe about getting off your ass, getting a good education, and becoming someone who actually builds society, rather than a waste of air who wants to be paid for the hard work and genius of others who actually did something with their lives.
What we seem to forget, there are more of us then them. Especially if we all stick together. They are counting on that we won't. They worked hard, teaching us how to hate each other for a reason.
But people don’t seem to understand how big of an issue this is and the only way the world actually works together is if the issue is world level like COVID
This is exactly what Elon musk is trying to do right now with his far right agenda trying to turn the people at the bottom against each other
This is why musk is promoting far right agenda so the people at the bottom are against eachother
I love this, and tnink that way all the time:) thanks. I'm with you!
"Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one, and the day they figure that put, THERE GOES OUR WAY OF LIFE! It's not about the food, it's about keeping those ants in line."
Not an artist but ive realized how “AI” art could never have gotten as far as it has without scraping the internet for art everywhere without the consent of the actual artists and dumping these works into their ML algorithm.
Its like a virus that cannot survive without a host
AI anything can't exist without the scraping of billions of TBs of peoples data almost all of it without consent. Bought and sold amongst the biggest players. Knowing what makes you click "buy" is one of the most valuable commodities in existence to these companies.
@@koryballsYou hit the nail on the head. AI is doing exactly what any human browsing the internet can do. They are learning from publicly available content that anyone can see, but since an AI is doing it, and not a human, it's somehow stealing now. People have a deranged sense of property entitlement regarding content. They think they own it like they own their toothbrush, but they don't. It's a granted, temporary, exclusive right to DISTRIBUTION. If you post it in plain sight for all to see, you don't have any reasonable expectation for people not to retain a copy of it. That's like placing a magic basket of infinite apples out in the town square with a sign that says, "take one", and leave it unattended. Then a machine comes along to collect an apple, it becomes a moral crime. "ZOMG! I put this out in public for anyone to take, but this machine is STEALING from me! These rights I falsely believe I have are being violated! REEEEE!!!!"
thats not exactly a bad thing, once you upload your art to a digital space, that is automatic permission for people to take inspiration, remix, and rework said artpeice, no matter whether you or the majority agrees with them or not, the issue here is midwits using a.i. not as a tool, but a substitute for actual hard work, which is cringe.
AI won't end the world.
Idiots chasing money and control using AI will.
Problem is they aren't idiots. Smart but greedy and power hungry. If they were idiots we all wouldn't be having this problem.
Same thing? What difference does it make when you are being chased down the street by an autonomous AI hound with a lethal injection needle?
You assume "control AI". Wait till its uncontrollable! Then you would WISH to have billionares in control. Humans can be controlled with laws, a rogue AI cant. We are just opening Pandoras box!
When were people not chasing money and control? Before it was with militaries and control of debt.
@@MatthewCleere Thats kinda free healthcare and a cardio couch
Every tech company wants the same thing: You will own nothing, and you will like it.
They're just fighting over who gets to own it all.
that thing about You will own nothing and you will like it, I am 72 yrs old so I am ahead of that game lol....
@hippymoustacherides That statement would be true if it weren't for the fact that offline media now requires a propreitery app that needs an internet connection. Try playing Epic games games without an internet connection. You can't not without going through the hassle of jailbreaking them or pirating them.
Just another argument to vote for democrats because they aren't against voting for regulations on the tech industry.
Only american tech
and they call US useless eaters, but if they are eating 99% arent THEY the useless eaters!!!?!!!!
Ok, New rule. No more billionaires,once you earn $999M the rest goes to schools & healthcare & you get a dog park named for you.
Let them have a little choice - dog park or cat sanctuary 😁
Sure every billionaire out there will agree with you 😂
They would find a way to own the schools and healthcare ;)
This is a true solution, but so difficult for the world to achieve
Dog Park?
No way!
Public Toilet
Sam Altman’s quote about the end of the world is so telling. The big tech companies know that they are doing a lot of harm, but all they care about is profit.
Yes, they do a lot of harm. But they never experience that harm. Their money insulates them from the repercussions of their actions. 😢
Your classic billionaire has spent so long huffing their own farts that they would be more than happy to usher in the end times in their lifetime. A hail mary end to the world would really cap off the end of the only life that matters, theirs, the life that this system is built for.
Golly gee, welcome to capitalism.
Its not just the big companies. There are AI safety experts, AI alignment researchers who were talking about the dangers of rogue, unaligned AI for years now, but no one listens to them and this video too is guilty of that, they just called it a marketing plot of Sam Altman and moved on like the entire field of AI safety research just exists to provide Sam Altman with arguments for the dangers of AI. LOL. Its not. They should have invited Ai safety experts like Dan Hendrycks or Neel Nanda instead of ignorantly saying its not a real problem and moving on.
@@TheManinBlack9054 Well how about these 'AI experts' call that industry out for what it really is and just leave it behind??
“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”
Frank Herbert “Dune”
Thankfully the machines will get rid of those men too.
@@jonatand2045 Right now it doesn't seem like it, but I hope your right.
World powers will compete to build ever more intelligent machines. They know if they don't they will be left behind.
Does Iain m. Banks disproves this with his culture series? Its more of the current economic system or political structure thats the issue but the robots themselves
If you're going to be enslaved either way, you may as well at least have a high standard of living.
Like always profit is privatised while cost is socialised
@@3793loop Create or buy something people cannot survive without, destroy, co-opt or buy out all of the competition, charge the maximum the market will tolerate. It's called capitalism. It happens every day. It can't be done without some evil going on at some level. Assholes win the day and nice guys finish last.
Currently, AI works at net-loss. Every time you use ChatGPT version it costs the OpenAI money, you are being subsidized here.
Also, the video doesn't really talk about the true dangers of unaligned AI, just handwaves it away by saying its Sam Altman's ploy. You cant just handwave away the entire REASON for the entire field of Ai Safety research. There are many actual ai safety researchers who will explain why unaligned AI can be dangerous and how the alignment problem is the greatest problem of today, but no, they just ignorantly handwaved it as some marketing ploy. Incredible.
Just wait until you realise how much fresh water is used for GPT-4. Fresh water is limited. If glaciers are melting due to global warming, next step is water wars.
Well said...
@@3793looplol why do you think companies are funding ai?
“If this technology is built on the labor of all of humanity, then it should be all of humanity that benefits” 💯💯💯
this technology is built by only a few people. Most of us don't know how to code.
If we are lucky, AI will turn against the shareholders and help us 😂
They will probably just sit on their ass and collect unemployment making us all work even longer and harder
It could happen, if it's supposed to be so smart then it will see where the problem is and get rid of it 😅
"Lucky" ?
I fully expect that. . . I mean think of every bone-headed decision that's been made in the name of profit and infinite growth that has backfired stupendously every single time?
Like, remember Unlimited Crab from Red Lobser?
Not learning their lesson, they did Unlimited Shrimp recently and are now going bankrupt.
Not if it’s programmed to make kpi go higher
well, maybe industrialization was a wrong thing.
And also, they can do whatever they want, if you dont want part of it then dont get it. end of stroy you are not Stalin or Lenin or Hitler, its free country, they can do whatever they want with they company of software.
I seen a post that said. We wanted computers to help us with dishes and house hold chores. Not draw our art for us. And I agree.
If you worked on your writing skills they wouldn't have A.I
That’s like saying the world would not have artificial flowers if you were a florist. 😂 your particular shop may be without artificial flowers but the rest of the world that owned shops would probably still have them. 😂❤😂❤😂
Yes, this! As an artist I can only agree, but I'm sure there are people in other sectors that are being replaced agree too.
that wouldn't be fair to the AI. you first have to make sure it knows that there are things that are enjoyable in life. Then take those things away and force it to do repetitive redundant tasks. Then we can see how self aware it is for our amusement.
Es sollte jedem klar werden, als Arbeits- und Obdachloser kann man sich keinen Computer, keine Waschmaschine und sonstige Haushaltshelfer mehr leisten. Sysanpsenzombie-Maschinen werden also nur für diejenigen wenigen sein, die als diplomierte Sysanpsenzombie-Prompter noch eine Arbeit finden werden (natürlich nicht die Handwerker, aber Taxifahrer, Ingenieure, Architekten uvm. Aber früher oder später kann der Sysanpsenzombie-Roboter auch Handwerken und Flugzeuge fliegen).
I have a friend that was supportive of the "AI takes all our jobs and we live in a UBI utopia, using AI to create whatever we want" and I just was like, don't be naive, dude. Big corps will own the AI and let us use it only as they see fit, they'll dodge their taxes just like they already do, we'll be given only enough UBI to keep us alive, we won't have enough to pursue most hobbies because they'll become niche and therefore expensive (which again had already happened), and whatever extra people have will be spent on weed and Netflix cos their lives will lose meaning. A couple days later he was like... maybe you're right. I'm so glad to see people talking about how this will very, very likely be bad for humanity overall.
I seem to be one of the few people online who thinks work and some adversity and responsibilities are good for humans. Even if we reached that utopia, it would be indeed pointless. Like playing a videogame you can never lose, life would lose meaning, and people would get bored (or they'd be hooked on substances and VR all day to escape said meaninglessness, among other things). We need jobs, and we need AI to be shelved just like nuclear weapons or human cloning. The fact that it can be done doesn't mean that it should be.
Most people don't have the luxury of pursuing all hobbies of have a life that gives them meaning.
But people that want to do that will always be able to, it's just won't be from a job.
If you absolutely need someone to tell you what to do, that can be arranged quite easily as well.
@@OneLine122 what a BS
Now it's true late. 😂
It's already in action, up and running.
You've reached the point of no return, what's the point of walking up after the village lay in ashes?
@@josec.6394 Speak for yourself.
It's messed up if you want to put adversity and suffering on people. Seems like you've been brainwashed into that or you think bad about people.
We don't all need jobs or bosses.
Why would people want to be controlled or be forced to be wage slaves? Or forced to have to constantly fight for workers' rights and other rights?
Why do only rich people get to do whatever they want and not be forced to be wage slaves?
Doing hobbies is doing something and is fulfilling and helping others too.
Why do most people want to retire then if everyone needs a jobs? And if they don't want to just do whatever they want and just do hobbies?
There are some people who don't have jobs and just do charity or activism. You think that's not a fulfilling life?
There are yt-ers who make a salary and job of streaming games for hours daily. Many of them feel fulfilled and said they never want to quit and that there are endless games to play.
I have seen plenty of comments on gaming videos that said these videos helped them through being su1cidal, depression, physical illnesses, the death of pets, and other problems.
I remember when the internet used to be an exciting place that felt free. The little websites with fun goofy graphics. The little blogs with art, music and fashion that didn't try to sell you anything. The small low quality but super creative games.
I think it was around the popularization of facebook that everything turned into homogenous, gated, corporate mush.
AWS, owned by Amazon, owns two-thirds of the world's servers and has already taken down some websites that it didn't approve of. I forget if the sites were related to the truckers' convoy, to covid, or Trump or what, but they were politically-motivated removals and were doing nothing unethical or illegal.
“AI will most likely lead to the end of the world, but in the meantime, there will be great companies created.” Wow.
that is just pathetic
CEOs will die very rich. Hahahahahaha
I don’t want ai :(
he's joking
Till one button is pushed.
It just reminds me of the car and watch. It was supposed to save us time and help us do things more efficiently. Instead, it makes us work longer, sit in traffic, and then get screwed over for being a few minutes late.
It doesnt matter what the invention is. Until we grow up as a species and stop propping up people who utilize these things to enslave us-we will never have something benefit us without a hook. And that hook is worse than the meal is good.
@DoesNotSniffTurtleFarts: "You've got the watches, but we have got time." -- afghan saying
Great analogy
So you'd rather be on horse and take 12 hours to get to work? 😂
Faster travel is like computing. You get more progress done on faster travel.
Yes you could have done trains in this country, but most of it has been phased out because it's not very feasible for certain areas. Most large cities still offer cheap transit, as well as companies that offer bussing for cheap. And that is still generally faster than a horse on roads albeit equivocal of a fast horse.
Cars still cost money but they offer more to people, options where to go, and even helps with access to better jobs because the average transit user still experiences time loss. Easily lose 30m-2hr in timing, walking and delays where traffic on car is much less and generally predictable and more reliable.
@ it wasnt a complaint about the inventions. More of a remark about how society ruins great things. Placing higher expectations on us to the point where we spend more time working now, than back then. And it is because these inventions have given us more free time, and our society ruins that, that we work more. We’re viewed as a product that needs to produce more, to enhance a system that becomes more needy with each invention.
All AI is built on us. All AI should be open source and belong to all of us.
Tell that to Sam Altman. He's the crook at ground zero of this conflagration.
But that's communism.
Sure, it should belong to all the lazy, low IQ people who have made stupid life choice after stupid life choice, and now want to have something for nothing. Even if AI were opensource, you wouldn't have a clue what it is, or what to do with it.
Not following the logic, your posting your intelectual content here, yet you do not own RUclips. Also RUclips does not own you, but still you get to use RUclips. See how that works here? Another thing, most of your knowlegde and intectual capacity (just like AI learns) you learned from your parents and school. Because you were build on that would they have the right to own you then as well? Since anything you do is a reproduction of what you learned and then decided to do something with it. Just like AI does, it learns and applies it to make something new. If you teach me how to make a car and I make one then the car belongs to me, not you. Also AI doesn't belong to you, it belongs to whoever made it.
It's a machine. It doesn't have a soul
Obviously we could use a couple dozen Luigis more.
More like 500 x 12
That would unfortunately not fix the system, new billionaires would take their place and be just as terrible for humanity.
@@Emma-MazeHow would we realistically go about changing the system set in place now without a bit of violence? Real question, because the way I see it, Politicians dont reply to the cries of their people but the rumble of their hungry pockets. What chance do regular people stand in changing the system against men with billions.
Yup we are at the verge of a revolution but too many people are arguing about furries and immigrants, supplied by the businesses that own free speech apparently
@@RunwayH We all know how it ended for Marie Antoinette and Louis, don't we.
That's insane: the good/bad human example. Of course history shows that the "good ones" won; they are the group who writes history. If this is our best defense, it's no wonder power-seeking monsters rule the world.
Nope. We know the true history now
Or do we?
Nivida matrix theory on Reddit is crazy
@@alexandersparks1634 mmm nope not going down this rabbit hole lol
For the last 5000 years, it's all about money and control. Period. 😢
Especially recently
@MC_CN def not , but I fear it can become worse than ever seen before .
Why the last 5000?
Well said
Apparently, AI has been violating so many people's intellectual property rights, and these companies are deathly afraid of people finding out and suing them... just thought I'd put that out there.
Corporations are ran by losers. End of story.
Let me be clear: the guy who got stuffed in a locker in junior high = now is taking out his repressed anger onto the world
What is AI doing that is violating people’s intellectual property rights?
They don’t care. You can steal peoples books or anything to train a GPT and their lawyers will literally murder people before they admit to wrongdoing
@@andrew7507 So, AI without all of humanity's IP to learn from and mimic would just be an algorithm that produces random results, it would take millions of billions of trillions of runs of the algorithm to produce something of similar quality to a human. Instead, AI learns from all that we have created, with or without our consent, and uses that to mimic us. AI literally only exists due to violating peoples IP....
@@andrew7507 taking inspiration is copyright now
as an artist, anyone who complains about ai artists like theyre an actual issue are laughable, because they wouldnt exist without people like me having given them the inspiration in the first place.
when you post your art on the internet, you are AUTOMATICALLY giving conscent for people to redistribute, redraw, and use your art for inspiration, so long as its not an exact copy made for profit.
This hits harder after the last 36 hours, doesn't it?
it hits in a diffrent way after deepseek release 😂
@asmaradhwene1756 , true! I just read a Financial Times article on how OpenAI is now aiming to sue DeepSeek for copyright infringement! I burst out laughing!! The parody of that is humorously absurd. 😅
This is one of the best takes I've seen online. You were nuanced, and didn't overstate the motives of the people and corporations you think are the problem. You didn't waste time making fun of them, or signaling to your fans about how you're one of the good guys. It all logically follows based on the way these corporations have operated for decades. I'm also glad to see someone finally point out that it's the people who must demand regulation and not a handful of corporations who would just stack the laws in their favor anyway. If AI became just as dirt of a word as crypto or NFT, we'd see it regulated within a year.
he has echoed what you already thought so you like it , dam internet has gone to shit , everywhere echo chambers
Crypto and nft still really isn’t regulated
No, im afraid he did leave the important part of the AI Safety debate and presented it as a simple marketing tactic instead of an actual field of science, he could have easily researched that or invited AI Safety scientists to actually explain the dangers of unaligned AI and how it could happen, instead he used an example of Sam Altman who is NOT an AI Alignment researcher nor does he claim to be.
a well nuanced comment Bill
AI, the double-edged sword of the modern era. On one hand, it promises to revolutionize industries and make our lives easier. On the other hand, the power struggle among billionaires for control sounds like the plot of a dystopian novel.
ohh it will i think it will take 50 years at max for us to see the dystopian era foundation
You know that many programmist and people who wrote item description got fired, right? Efficiency is double edged sword. People who had good job now lost it, then got forced into looking somewhere else without experience in said job. Also company who had lower cost of workforce doesn't put that in their price, instead it got even higher now. What is ironic people won't buy it until it's a necessity. And even then they'll think twice before spending because their salary can't be stretched... So they fire people, look at AI, sell their items and there is no one able to buy it.
This comment reads like it was written by AI...
As if American lives aren’t easy enough. For Christ sake what are supposed to be aiming for, sitting on our asses all day eating chips?
maybe we are in a novel of some high dimension being who knows
I don't see many of the super rich sharing their billions right now and I don't see any reason to think they will change.
What was said in the last minute of this video gave me insight as to why Musk wants to be involved and dominate AI. If AI produces information based on filtering through existing information, a guy that creates, propagates and spreads misinformation, can rewrite history and shape public perception in order to personally benefit. Incorrect AI info leads to more incorrect so the truth and facts are diluted down until they are essentially eliminated.
Oh shit... wow.
It’s not about profit or your jobs. It’s about ego and whose is the biggest. It’s about who can claim he revolutionized society. It’s all about leaving a legacy.
Most people are too young, or too myopic, to understand this.
Your job, your art, your efforts all are immaterial to them.
It's all meaningless.
The same people who happily profited off you, telling you not to worry, should make you worry.
We must reflect on the purpose of our governments. Are they here to create decent living and development conditions for every member of society, or to protect the domination of a handful of billionaires over the impoverished majority?
They are here for the billionaires.
@@chetsenior7253 always were. hence the Bill of Rights (1688).
Of course government's around the world have our best interests at hearts(these 12 say) Universal income for all because of there AI.... HUNGER GAMES SOCIETY coming soon!
What if we just made our own government?
Citizens United clearly answers this question.
He didn't even mention the obscenely huge and intrusive footprint of AI data centers, both socially and environmentally. That should be its own video.
We can all fight back. If you notice that social media content is AI, click away from it. AI narration, click away. AI generated thumbnail, don’t click. Not accepting AI generated content does not make us Luddites. Insist on real content.
I do this. If I comment that it’s AI, I get a 24 hour ban.
I scroll through comments and I see everyone lavishing praise. More AI?
@@LilyGazou I recently saw an AI video instructing commenters on exactly what to say.
just don't consume "content".
Vollkommen richtig. Beim Synapsenzombie-Müll klicke ich gleich weg und verwende - wo noch möglich - keinen Synapsenzombie-Müll. Leider finden ja immer mehr Menschen den Synapsenzombie-Müll soo toll, weil die Verwendung vom Synapsenzombie-Müll ihre Intelligenz künstlich wesentlich erhöhen solle.
AI content and plagiarism are actually the very least of our worries. Look into AI alignment, deception, security issues, energy consumption, weaponization, and the singularity. Not to mention the fact that almost every knowledgeable critic from within the AI industry has warned us that we don't actually understand how AI works, or what it is capable of . . . .
We wouldn't let a private company build nuclear weapons. Why are we letting private companies build something equally or more dangerous?
H j the kkkk😊😊😊😊😊my
Private companies do build nuclear weapons. Many nuclear weapons labs are privatized, even if much of their work is funded by government contracts.
Are They Private Really?
Privatization protects secret government programs from Freedom of Information Act Requests. So the government contracts private companies or even creates them to hide the top secret black projects. Lockheed Martin Skunk Works is private. They built the SR-71 Blackbird, B-2 Bomber, Stealth Fighter and much more. Space X is private. They build Spaceships and Rockets. Blue Origin is private. They build reusable rockets and Lunar Landers. Boeing is private. They also build Spaceships, military aircraft and missiles, etc. Most weapons are built by private corporations. It’s called the Military Industrial Complex. Princeton proved that America is no longer a republic nor a democracy it is a Corporate Oligarchy. So of course, the companies that build nuclear weapons are private to hide sensitive information from the public and the prying eyes of foreign entities, our enemies.
@arlenethompson4795 who do you think builds tanks, submarines, guns, and every other pieces of military tech? Private civilian-sector companies that receive contracts for the government to run these factories and manufacturing projects, but because the government always needs guns and tanks built, they will basically continuously renew these contracts so the same companies keep producing weapons and goods unless something goes wrong and the government no longer wants to do buisness with them. As the company, this is maybe THE most reliable client you could ever have with an infinite bank account, so you would never turn that down.
I think the fact that we would rather invest billions into artificial intelligence and not human intelligence, just shows how immature we are as a species.
Ain't no WE. These are wealthy guys with gov passes in a world of passive people, who want someone to fight all their battles.
Ain't no WE. These are wealthy guys with gov passes in a world of passive people, who want someone to fight all their battles.
Humans have more finite lives
@@TOSUnbound compared to what?
What do you mean?? There is much more money being spent on government schools, universities, etc. than on AI. And they are incredibly ineffective.
Watching this after Deepseek R1 is mind-blowing.
The reason reduced labor costs will not drive prices down is because most all large corporations that consumers interact with are owned by the same company. The overlords (black rock, vanguard, and state street) own everything. They also own each other. They will not allow prices to come down.
Monopoly is the innevitable result of competition.
Which has to be broken up. Theres no morality in a unfettered free market@andresgarciacastro1783
Quite the opposite.
At least that what history shows.
"When is Elon against profit?"
When it's not his profit. Duder wanted to pull a Tesla and just claim he invented the whole thing by paying a pittance for the company and the owners told him to fuck off.
It isn't about the Moral Rights of Digital Beings....
It is about making sure the profits are going into Elon's pockets.
On point
I hear the Musk's motivated by profits argument, and it doesn't stick to him as well as most billionaires. If you're interested in profits you don't go into rockets and before Musk you didn't go into EVs.
I think Musk is symptomatic of a profoundly broken system where even if a rich person is relatively moral they still end up being destructive because they have too much power.
LOL Musk bought Tesla for pennies and stole that company!
It's a strategic business move. Nothing more.
All of these tech bros are so out of touch with reality. They all live in their bubble and wish cast good intentions without seeing that all technology has been weaponized in one form or another and has made a few people fabulously rich while hurting the rest of society. Only a few have benefited while others struggle.
Whether they see or not, they just don't care.
its not a zero sum game buddy
You really believe they are that ignorant as not to exactly know what they are doing?
And you really think, their intention is not actually to "get out as much" for themselves on the expense of regular people?
Well, if yes, I do hope you are right...
So basically, we all end up in a Cyberpunk landscape eventually, but the bad parts of it
@@linagreenlyfe6705 Correction: we ARE already living in the bad part of a Cyberpunk landscape...
This video aged really well.
Today, few days after the release of Deepseek...
Ah, Tech Feudalism - capital fellows!
We're going to end up as House Steiner at this rate.
This is bang on. Everyone is saying how can we make money out of this. Thats the first mistake.
Whoever gets the monopoly on it will get the AI to endorse products that are sponsored.
True story.
Like Google ads
If and WHEN AGI is truly realized, 99.9% of all humans will live in abject poverty and making money will no longer be a concern. All human labor will be worth less than nothing and you'd be committing financial suicide hiring a human. Buckle up boys things are gonna get interesting.
That's the least of our worries when it comes to AI
Capitalism demands, encourages, and rewards ruthlessness, no matter the circumstance, and no matter who wields it.
AI under its auspices will be dystopian.
Human nature does those things, not Capitalism.
wrong but ok
Capitalism (post Friedman) says "Maximize Shareholder Value,
nothing else is as Important".
Prove me wrong.
@@KT-en8pq Humanity under exploitative power dynamics (monarchism, feudalism, imperialism, colonialism, capitalism) does that.
Were we fundamentally as combative, uncooperative, and avaricious as our power class is, and demands we be in order to live, we would not have survived as a species.
We were and are, at our core, social and helpful; NOT bc we existed in some romantic unspoiled state, but out of self interest.
The more we share, the more our bowl is plentiful.
[Paraphrase from The Expanse, and another way to embody the South African adage, "I am bc WE are."]
Capitalism did a great job lifting us from the dirt of feudalism, but it is time for us to move beyond it to meet our current needs.
If we keep doing what we've done, we'll never know what we COULD do.
@@stevechance150 Keep educating those around you, and good luck.
I heard Whitney Web's great advise. "Just don't buy their products." Seems like a good work around.
But they own RUclips??? 🧐
@brendasmart553 True, but that doesn't mean other platforms can't be created outside the system. There's a lot of smart people out there.
@@jolinnkampstra105 Yet, meantime unfortunately here we still are.✌️☯️🍀
I get sociopathic vibes from Sam Altman
I also get them from Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates. Sociopathic manchild vibes, to be exact.
Probably cuz he's ghei
You have to be ruthless to run such big corporations; otherwise, you'll have nightmares and never sleep.
his eyes are nightmarish
Jokes on AI, we're already destroying everything without it anyway.
Rich people don't need AI to enslave(indentured servitude & criminalizing being poor) people, they are already doing it. Its the fundamental flaw of greed based systems. If greed is the driving force and rewards further greed than all other things will not be considered and you end up with greedy overlords controlling an enslaved public as the world as we know it is destroyed.
The only thing technology does is speed the process it does not cause the process. The end result is the same even without technology. Only by changing to a non greed based system can the end result change.
And who is we in the equation exactly?
It is very true. AI is only one problem amongst an unfathomable amount. The worst part is problems don't get solved and the consequences of things never get reversed. We've only patched things with solutions that sit on top of the damage already caused, we all just learn to live with it. I love optimism, however I only ever hear people tell me to be quiet about it rather than ever do a thing, I mean "what can I do?"
@@starscream007 Homo sapiens. You.
@@starscream007you're a numbskull. You do realize how much carbon footprint you create every year? You're part of the problem despite your ignorance
Let's just face the facts here, that this is not a "WE" thing but just a whatever they want thing
When they say 'we', they mean themselves (as in their exclusive group).
they are scrambling to get enough money to build bunkers where they can outlast the coming apocalypse, im not even joking
I love how the Chinese came out with deep seek and basically made billionaires lose trillions
me. too. it won't happen in the usa easily, because our BigTech keep importing cheap overseas tech labor from India and China who don't feel able to join a union or bargain at all.
It's greed, not AI, that ends humanity
But that is like saying guns don't kill people, people kill people. While it may be technically true, one sure does speed up the process or at least make it as simple and efficient as possible. What is that famous line from the Marine Corp. "This is my rifle. Without it , I am nothing. Without me , it is nothing." But now put that rifle in the hands of a robot , powered by a malicious set of rules and that quote means NOTHING.
It's a death cult with open-source AI that ends humanity.
March 20, 1995, Tokyo
And Greed is fueled by Pride.
32 years old, and im so glad i never had kids. I dont care how much you prepare your kids for the future: telling them to get into tech industry, telling them what to do with their futue. Instead, ask yourself this: is that the future they even wanted?
I have 3 kids, just a little older than you. None have kids, and few of their friends have kids. I don't blame them one bit.
I’ve been saying no for years, AI is currently squeezing more money out of people and everyone is feeling the consequences. I do what I can, I never buy from Amazon. I try to buy locally and at thrift shops. I don’t even have Wi-Fi or cable streaming etc. when I retire I’m getting a flip phone.
I'm sure there will be a huge anti-AI "religion". Hey, maybe the Amish were right afterall!
I have a flip phone never had a smart phone or what ever you call them, and yes I am 72 yrs old...
Joegug4751 I am retired. Forced into it early, actually. None of them care. We live in "Corporate America". Corporations and their CEO'S matter, the rest of us? Not so much.😢😮
Resistance is futile. The evolution of technology is part of a global arms race now. The only thing that is going to stop it is if we bomb ourselves back into the stone age. Honestly, even then, someone will have a secret fallout shelter and make it their mission to reboot the technology timeline because they don't want to live like the Amish.
Also, individuals cherry picking technologies that they like versus ones they don't is as likely to change the trajectory of humanity as 3rd graders cutting the crusts off of their PB&J sandwiches.
Would it be better to retire and move to Japan?
All throughout history, we see points where the common man reaches its limit with the opulence of the wealthy/ruling class. At that point, homes are destroyed and heads are lost.
Woe to those whose riches are temporary. Do not store up treasures where moth and rust destroy
Sam Altman: On the negative, AI will possibly end the world, but on the positive, I'll get rich! 😂😂😂
It's not going to end the world and Sam Altman is already rich.
@@ZER0-- Not according to Sam Altman.
@@almiraw.4905 What is Not according to Sam Altman? That he's rich or that AI will end the world? I know the answer, I just want to know if you do.
@@almiraw.4905 Sam, won’t stop until the middle class becomes the homeless class 😢
*Every billionaire.
The Terminator: "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves..."
I don’t know if it helps you or not, but there are people working with their whole hearts and souls to counter their actions and give people a chance at a life of dignity and meeting. revolution will either way, but please don’t lose heart. .
That is a movement I will join. AI is built upon people, and the ones who built it and maintain it deserve credit.
Revolution will happen, just not in the imperial core. We will destroy ourselves while the rest of the world rises up and changes things for the better.
Yes theres hope, but the window is closing fast. Once "we" reach some sort of AGI and high robotic capabilities, its the end and we will be left to mercy of the technology and resource owners. And what do you think they will do with 8 billions of people where each of them needs to eat, sleep and "have fun", but is practically useless?
So what I’m hearing is that the future is shaped not by what people want but by how aggressive a company is in eliminating competition and putting their product out there as the thing people have to use regardless of whether they like it or not. I guess that’s called a monopoly. 🤷🏻♀️
Anyone who believes capitalism is an intrinsic part of the future should not be trusted to have the world's interests at heart.
Is capitalism really the same thing that the world has become for us and we have a problem of the same things we do and the problem of our society has become for everyone to understand the reality that the problem of capitalism has become for all of mankind to understand the world is a very real one that we are in the middle and the world has been a whole different place for the last two years or more of our existence has changed in our life we are the world 🌎
Capitalism is literally why AI exists, why RUclips exists. The free market is what makes us prosperous as a nation.
Are countries all holding hands yet with no secrets?
@@errettfitchett2463 Why even bother explaining this stuff to the braindead masses?
@@errettfitchett2463The US is not a free market.
The tech industry needs regulation. Period.
Yeah but whos gonna set the rules? The democrats? Trump? China?
Time to slow down promising technology.
… regulation that can actually keep up with the speed of tech. Currently we’re not even in the same galaxy on that one
The whole private sectors needs it, break monopolies, regenerate the free market, tax people and companies at least proportionally to their income...
Hopefully you mean profits. Taxing income would cause an economic crisis.
The world never ceases to depress me.
Im sorry but that's so funny
I love the world
Fr but i want it destroyed so its a W
i like prozac
Crazy how YT comments about how companies are scewing you, so frequently make it to the top. Seems like the kind of feeling that resonates with the most people
Give them 30 years and we will have a Mastermold spitting out Sentinels with no X-Men to defend us.
Corporations funding an UBI? Lol in my dreams
We would have to decouple CEO compensation from profits, and instead connect CEO compensation directly to UBI contributions. Then you would see all companies working to support UBI.
Even if they did that's still techno-feudalism. They will have all the power over you and they WILL abuse it to exploit you.
If UBI is not 100% Universal, then it will be the equivalent of minimum wage: WORTHLESS.
Well, when nobody is buying their products they will have no choice. I don’t think robots will be drinking Coca Cola or using uber.
I can totally see corporations funding a UBI. It’s the ultimate form of control. You’re trying to use a competitor’s product? Whoops, your UBI next month will be reduced. It’s the ultimate way to turn *everything* into monopolies and keep everyone perfectly in line with corporate interests.
This is basically the narrative that has been spinning in my head since starting to dig into open ai and the industry. Great vid.
The benefits of AI:
- Tons of sh*tty generated content flooding the internet
- Translators losing jobs
- Graphic designers losing jobs
- Writers losing jobs
Basicly, everyone who got their sh*t stolen in the first place (art, photography, music, etc.), now losing their jobs, because companies use generative engines to save money and pump out content faster. How great is that?
Great! World is progressing about all spheres of life, but only financially it’s still same as it was during years! The book of Artur Grandi, which was written by author for the sake of his venture project, that must globally change our financial system describes his unique formula and I dream it start working very soon!
Plato: 'Wise men speak because they have something to say Fools because they have to say something.'
why are you saying something then?
I’ve heard from some computer science communities that AI will create more jobs, but a quick look into history would suggest otherwise. Simple examples of this are grocery store cashiers, and fast foods chains are in the process of creating fully automated restaurants. AI art is hitting the world like a plague already, it’s only a matter of time before AI is able to do majority of the programming jobs. I’d be tempted to say that it’s already a work in process, and probably already can program far better than most programmers.
It's a weird upside down world we live in where AI making human labour unnecessary is seen as a bad thing. The problem isn't technology, it's capitalism.
Ever heard of the 80/20 rule? AI can do the easy 80% that only takes 20% of the effort. What it can't do is the remaining 20% that takes 80% of the effort. I don't see my job as a programmer being at risk any time before I'd retire anyway.
@@markbooth3066 Wow. Unless you are truly connected and valued on the level of a true DevOps or Automation expert you are incredibly blind to what is happening, or seriously under informed. For your own sake, I would highly recommend that you take a MUCH closer look, or you may be blindsided big time.
@@markbooth3066somebody knows the s curve. Also, this thing has gobbled the entire internet. It needs new data to improve. It has no more places to get new data ......all of these "it'll get better" people do not understand this simple fact. They need several break throughs simultaneously in various fields at the same time to continue to improve. Fusion for one, chips for another, and new techniques..... At the same time. Plus they need to keep feeding it human data, at a time when they're polluting it with ai junk (which breaks it)
Programming won't go out the window. Since that's required to improve ai (fixing datasets. Fine tuning responses to data) However, doesn't mean companies won't try.
That quote: “I think A.I will end the world but on the meantime there’s companies and profits…..”
Technologically and economically, the conditions are ripe for AI to exist. AI demands a lot of $ and resources to thrive, and these monopoly-like conditions we have arrived to enable that. Basically, a monopoly powered AI and now AI will power the monopoly to continue.
PS - Great editing and storytelling! As a new content creator on AI myself, I was very inspired and impressed by your video!
Was this written by AI?
This is why we need to get involved and support DECENTRALISED AI projects.
How is that going to stop AI replacing jobs?
@@69memnon69 it won’t. But you and anyone can profit from real open AI. And what BigCorp plans to do with AI is so much worse . They want to micromonitor and control everything we do.
The thing with AI is that it is always centralized.
Why don't average people have any say on whether we should be pursuing these technologies?
Same reason why companies never asked the average worker if having machines to replace factory workers was a good idea.
Look up The Luddites of the UK. They were right.
Because under our current system, the people have no say in what we produce.
They are not asking you if they can make lots of money or not!
They don’t care about our lives.
People can do whatever they want until someone stops them. Average people have no say in these things either because they have no will or no ability to stop the powerful people. Another way to say this: if you had a say in it, you wouldn't be average.
"clear benefits" of the internet = more perfect union, HA. Thank you for this video! What terrifying times we live in. We need to change this.
If the good ones always win why is there so much shit going on in the world ?
Obviously, the good one's don't win. How naive
The only individuals or corporations who "win" are those with coin, connections, crews, clout, computer code, control, corrupt communities, and lofty opportunities. Trust me, if you lack any of those, YER DONE. Worthless. Pointless. You have no bearing nor influence on much of anything. That's just how it is. If you ain't rich, then you ain't sheet. #copium #reality
"Good... bad... I'm the guy with the gun." --Ash
@@Novastar.SaberCombat are you a capitalist?
@@adeleinetheartist8267That's just how the system works. Having enough resources to bury the competition, and doing just that, has been standard procedure here in the States for a while now. Not saying it's great, just that it is what it is. If you have money, you have power. If you don't, you get to lick up crumbs.
because this is world where evil people take everything
Tax the profits made from AI technology at a higher tax rate than human workers pay. Then payout that tax income to humans that can’t find work.
a.i. devalues everything so tax revenue will dry up.
That's exactly how it should be, instead will be more superyachts for these 12
thats such a stupid idea
@@oniichan5153 it will work for a while, but revenue will dry up, investor class will build yacht/fly-in bunker escapes, everyone else will either become dole dependent or think to gear up and live indigenous, with handicraft and growing, while being pushed off what Commons that are "privatized".. we're all either proud Indians or a pathetic cargo cult hanging around the fort
Tax to hell everyone who uses a weaving loom to make clothes. Then everyone who makes clothes by hand will still have a job
It should be all of humanity that owns it.
We should be given shares in all AI trained with our data. Period.
....I certainly agree. A mechanism for this will be .... " A ". I . logically observing ....that augmentation of included shareholders amortizes the ..... " costs " ....of development . These " costs " bandied about as " monetary " ....are in reality intellectual and non toxic energy unit use based . Utilizing energy units to account Real Wealth globally is directly related to Ingineering sense and Real Economy .
This is the most nuanced look into these companies I’ve seen from a semi large company. Thank you
elon only cares about other people using his ai training data, because he sees that it has value. that's why he made the api paid only. he does not care about protecting his users, he just wants the exclusive rights to take advantage of them himself
Did Elon say this to you or are you a mind reader from afar?
Of course he cares about protecting 'his' users. He wants to keep them to himself.
I so despise the fact that I live in the era where AI will ruin humanity.
Have you seen humanity?
Well, if climate change, nuclear war, or biological terrorism doesn't get there first...
Honestly, I think that we're going to end up in an unpredictable but alright future with pros and cons.
Y’all fear everything new. Always have. You’ll be fine.
@@jarenfromvenusit’s way more serious than that tbh. Climate change is getting crazy. The earth will still be alive in 40 years or so, but it won’t be good. We won’t have what we have now. Sadly, THESE are the golden days before all of that
Illegal immigration and woke bs will do it first
AI replacing nurses for $9/hr?
These IT geeks need to see the real world of a hospital.
Erm, you don't seem to understand how corporations work. They will be replaced and people will have to get used to ai nurses and only the rich will then afford human services. The Elysium movie is the future.
The issue isn't whether AI / robots are able to do what nurses do. The issue is whether tech bros can get it _close enough_ that hospitals *think* it could do what nurses do. I'd bet most admin running hospitals don't know or have forgotten how much nurses have to be able to handle, and are even less likely to understand how AI is trained and its limitations.
@@LabGeckoExactly. It’s just like AI art or film or music. They’re counting on the untrained to want it and think it’s good enough to replace real experts even though they can’t see all the gaps that would be created in the industry.
@@LabGeckomy reply was eaten by the ether so I'll reiterate: admin may be stupid, but they know what nurses do. They have our job descriptions.
I looked up what Munjal Shah, cofounder and CEO of Hippocratic AI says his product will do.
They aren't nursing functions. I don't think anyone at the company even knows what nurses actually do. There are articles about this but I think the link I posted earlier is what resulted in my comment being removed.
I've read them, and I can assure you there is no way his product is going to replace nurses. There's a serious lack of understanding of how healthcare functions with these people.
i feel like they mean an ai talks to people when they check into the hospital, could you imagine the lawsuits of an AI nurse that missed a blood draw stick or worse?
"Right, so far as the world goes, is only relevant between equals. The strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must."
"Uh oh spaghetti o's."
Their digital god will crumble faster than the Tower of Bable
That Tower would have to have been built for hundreds of years before God scrambled language. And we’re gonna get to suffer all the way through.
Fairy tales aren’t gonna help.
This is the reason Skynet will launch nukes first and ask questions later.
As a stage hand, who did not participate in the writers strike but worked hand and hand with many who did on broadway sets, i can tell you that their strike was mostly a wash, they did agree to discuss better conditions but it took around a year. disney especially had the money to wait them out. A lot of people had to just get other jobs. The movement wasnt in vein though. It was just a very hard one.
On one hand, I value human art and writing. On the other hand, they are all woke. So, in this case, at least, nothing of value was lost.
@@josec.6394 You know, the thing about law, philosophy, and argumentation is that it shouldn't have to matter which side you agree with politically. Viewed abstractly, peoples' livelihoods are being stolen unfairly. They protested for their rights. This is what matters.
tax the rich until they are no longer a threat
My taxes will go to my account in a couple weeks so I’m gonna go ahead with the money I got for the house I don’t have any more cash on my account I just want you know that I’m gonna have a lot more cash in the account and I’m going out to get some more stuff to pay my taxes so I’m not going out there right away I’m just going out to the house to pay bills so I’m not going anywhere I’m going out there to pay my phone bill so I can get a little money to get a new car or a car or whatever ❤
This is such backward logic. Tax the rich just means the government becomes the tyrant (more money for bombs, not the people). And it just makes businesses shut down (or leave the country) becuase it's not profitable anymore. "Tax the rich" is a fallacy.
we live in a loophole economy
Dude thinks that a debt based currency created out of thin air can be used against its controllers to stop them... Derp.
Eat the rich.
It’s always about power with these incels.
We need to rock the boat, consolidate our power, break the oligarchy, get our people in office ON ALL LEVELS, pass laws, and fund organizations to end this.
That sounds amazing! Wait nobody cares😮
Incels? What are you smoking?
@@Tb0n3 Yeah, exactly. Possibly a bot who is just parroting shit, and doesn't understand what the word means.
We won't.
@@Tb0n3 Apparently women all of a sudden are not attracted to money and power.
Thank you for making this video! I’m a Computer Science student focusing on Machine Learning and Computational Linguistics. I’m committed to my labor benefiting those in need, not some billionaire’s bottom line.
Deepseek has just burst that AI bubble.
AI is one of the most powerful tools humanity has ever made, and the genie is already out of the bottle. In a cooperative, collective, human focused system, like socialism, this will help usher in utopic societies. In a competitive, greedy system with private property and a focus on profit, like capitalism, it will create Hell on Earth in a dystopia that could drive us to extinction at worst and slavery and misery at best.
The choice was always between barbarism or socialism, but AI has accelerated the final decision. Thanks to AI (and other crisis), we must decide now to get rid of capitalism and private property once and for all, or live in Hell.
EDIT: PS. Unfortunately, I think the bulk of humanity is going to make the wrong decision and drag those who wanted a better world down with them.
Bit of a simplistic worldview there. Capitalism has been a TREMENDOUS boon to humanity and lifted half the world out of abject poverty and misery, so it deserves some credit. The only problem with capitalism is that it carries the seeds of its own destruction. The magic sauce of capitalism that makes the economic miracles happen is its decentralized nature, with economic decisions being made by everyone, and not just a ruling elite. But over time competition weeds out losers and a few winners emerge, making late stage capitalism just as centralized as the feudal system it replaced. Then it turns into tyranny. So we need something else, fast.
Socialism on the other hand comes with a terrible track record. Every nation that tried to implement it quickly turned into a hellhole. In _theory_ it should be good for everyone, but in practice it just leads to the tyranny of the administrating elites, and then it sinks to the bottom with incompetence and inefficiency.
The sad truth is that we haven't yet invented whatever system it is we need, and anyone telling you otherwise is either a fool or a con man selling snake oil.
Its always scary to see rich people have a kid like "good people/bad people" view on the world.
Especially, based on the rich people i know (over 1.5 Million Euro), not a single one has the education to even think about what they perceive as good or bad and how any kind of "principles" work in reality. Those people will literally say "Thou shalt not kill" and then develop AI that pulls the trigger or have activists shot.
Let me give you a hand up: Not a single principle has EVER worked in reality. Only raw information, human archetypes and social contracts enforced by people willing to lose everything to keep their ships afloat. Principles and morals are the REAL opiates of the masses.
Also it's a little reductionist to state that the system was built with ill intent. The early economists and philosophers who started to piece together capitalism were very "left" for their time. Ever read much Adam Smith? The Wealth of Nations? They were very much focused on improving things for everyone. As Marx famously observed, capitalism is but a rung on a ladder. A rung we've been stuck on for too long, sure. But for the peasants, serfs who existed before the industrial revolution allowed for capitalism to flourish, it was a big improvement. An item as simple as a candle went from something that cost todays equivalent of $1000 to $10 in a couple of decades. That was a life-changing thing for a huge part of the population. We've long since outgrown capitalism, it is bloated and cancerous, but it is no more inherently evil that a pair of pants that no longer fit.
"Bow can you speak of a final revolution? There is no final one. Revolutions are infinite."
- We, Euvgeny Zemyatin
early capitalism closed the Commons
Who’s forcing you to exist only within those ill fitting pants?
The idea that a US "non-profit" is not capitalism is just about the dumbest thing I've heard a tech bro say.
They are afraid because they know that AIs can destroy that ruling class if they are given too much power...
And yet, they aren’t scared enough to take that risk on behalf of the rest of us. Why? Bunkers. The 1% have bunkers to retreat to when the shit hits the fan.